New Year Resolutions: Can Make Or Break You

Every time New Year comes everyone seems to be preoccupied with their own resolutions. Making New Year’s resolution can be easy, but making them come true is another thing. That is why New Year resolutions can either make or break you.

When the year starts you can normally hear people talking about their life plans for the year. The changes and improvements that they plan to do, dreams they aspire, as well as career plans that they intend to achieve. But the question is do all these things happen? Are we all able to live up to the resolutions that we have or those were just plans with no implementations?

Amy Cuddy, a psychologist at Harvard Business School and author of “Presence”, shared via Business Insider inputs about setting goals and the common mistakes when it comes to making New Year’s resolutions. Cuddy said that "We're really bad at setting reasonable goals.” And if we do not meet those goals it can cause stress and anxiety, which in turn can lead to lower self-worth.

When it comes to making resolutions, it matters a lot that it is realistic for you to achieve. Thinking of the things that you want to do, change or achieve is easy, but implementing it is another story. By making your goals simple and attainable can encourage you to strive and reach it.

If we set precise and absolute goals, they become more attainable. Cuddy said that "People are making absolute statements about what they're going to do, and that's setting them up for failure immediately.”

Another thing is that most people think of the things they want to change in themselves, more of what they dislike. In doing so, we tend to focus on the negative side. This will elicit negative emotions. As Cuddy explained, “Some negative emotions are motivating, but for the most part, they're not.”

It helps a lot that you keep your resolutions and goals to yourself. Normally, people share their plans, but sometimes it is better if you keep it in you and just make sure to achieve it. It is easier to get motivated and succeed if you set your goals by heart.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire shared that if you want to make career resolutions this New Year you need to be motivated and disciplined enough to achieve your goal.