Cancer Patients Fear Possible Revoke of Obamacare; Government Plans To Replace Affordable Care Act As Soon As Repealed?

Many cancer patients depend on the government's help to cover for their health care needs. However, there is an ongoing concern that their Obamacare access would be gone under the new administration.

As Tech Times reported, American Cancer Society released a report identifying that Obamacare helped decreased a drastic amount in figures for cancer patients’ deaths since 1991. According to the report, the cancer death rate recorded a 25 percent drop, or 2,143,200, from 1991 to 2014.

Given that the Affordable Care Act has provisions crucial to cancer patients, even though with a limited coverage, Obamacare serves as their large ray of hope. However, with the possibility of being void, cancer patients have no choice but to fear for their lives at risk. Philly reported that a mother who has an incurable breast cancer is one of those cancer patients who is scared of Trump’s plan to abolish Obamacare.

The case goes the same with a breast cancer survivor who mentioned on Denver Post that annulling the act would pose a real-life threat to her. She experienced that Obamacare really worked and helped her savings as well. Hence, she referred Obamacare to be changed to “No Care” if it would be ever removed.

Senator Rand Paul’s tweet recently revealed that Trump supports his plan to replace the act as soon as it would be revoked. More so, he strongly told reporters that he would still vote for the act to be annulled even if it wouldn’t have a replacement yet.

Nonetheless, a senate meeting is expected to take event next week to vote on the budget resolution for the Obamacare to be repealed.

Affordable Care Act, President Barack Obama, Health, Donald Trump, Donald trump updates, Donald trump news