"Mermaids Found": Animal Planet Airs New Evidence [VIDEO & REPORT]

New evidence surfaces as Animal Planet re-aired their "Mermaids: The Body Found."The re-aired documentary style film features an interview with biologists on the claim that mermaids do exist. It uses cuts between interviews and questionable CGI concepts of mermaid characters, along with otherwise convincing (if not completely speculative and made up) scientific backing of the existence of the mermaids.

The "documentary" film, which claims to have information based on factual evidence, explores the possibility of the existence of mermaids-an actual humanoid species that exist in the deep water as opposed to us living on land.

The series cites several different historical accounts of cultures with mermaid sightings despite being so far apart and having no prior contact of each other. Legends were cited, exotic names given, and an entire segment was also shown of cave drawings that depicted mermaid-landlubber war over fishing rights. Right now, there has not been an official sighting, but several supporters argue that several seafarers of yore had seen mermaids while out on sea (but have actually encountered creatures like the manatee, and the dugong).

The film's scientists present their "Aquatic Ape Man" theory to speculate the origins of the mermaids. They claim that some early human ancestors reacted differently to waters moving inland as the continents shifted; some moved further from the ocean, while some moved directly into it, moving deeper and deeper into the water as they evolved accordingly. The mermaids are then revealed to have started out as a species of swamp apes, then seaside apes, and then developing tails over the years, eventually developing more body parts to adapt to living in the ocean. They speak in various clicks and screeches, knowing even the languages of dolphins, whales and other sea creatures (even teaming up to hunt with them, as humans would with wolves).

So, do mermaids really exist? The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says no, the same answer they gave on the film's first release. They say that there has never been any evidence of mermaids, hence no possibility of them existing 

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