Reasons Why You Didn’t Get The Job

Job hunting can be an exciting experience for anyone entering the professional world, but it can also be filled with disappointment, especially when one fails to land his or her dream job. The most frustrating part is when one seems to be the right fit for the job on paper, but everything goes south during the interview.

It may do you well to think back on what happened during the interview to pinpoint the exact moment when the interviewer decided to pass you over for the job. If this happened several times, then it’s time to brush up on your interview skills, and take a good, hard look at how you present yourself to the world.

Here are all the reasons why you didn’t get the job.

You dressed inappropriately

It only takes seconds to make an impression. Improper work attire, flashy or revealing clothes, ill-fitting work wear, and unkempt hair and nails all create a negative impression of you. To correct this, make sure that you’re well-groomed on your next interview, and upgrade your business attire, as previously reported by Jobs & Hire.

You lack preparation

Perhaps you forgot to bring a copy of your resume, or you didn’t make your research on the company that you wish to work for. Next time, print out several copies of your CV before making the interview rounds and have several copies with you. It would also do to read up on the company the night before to get a general idea of what they do and what they’ll need you to do should you get hired.

You have a history of job-hopping

This is a red flag for most interviewers, as you come across as someone who can’t be loyal to a company. In a competitive job market, job hoppers are less likely to get a chance of being hired as interviewers know that the best way to predict how an employee will behave in the future is by looking at his or her track record.

Review your resume and see if there are certain positions that can be left off. However, you will have to give an honest and complete account of your work history if asked to fill out a job application form by the company.

You bad-mouthed your former employer

If you burned bridges when you left your last job, it can be tempting to bad-mouth your former boss or company when applying for a new job. However, this won’t do you any good as the interviewer could take it as a bad sign that you might do the same to them if ever they hire you. Even if you ended things badly with your former employer, it’s best to be discreet and not say anything damaging about them while being interviewed.

Job hunting tips, Interview tips