Nowadays, it’s typical for people to make some extra cash on the side as a way to supplement their primary income. Apart from selling extra stuff online, many find that using one’s skills or talents is a creative way to earn money while having fun at the same time.
While some money-making schemes on the Internet have been to be fake, some legitimate websites actually pay you to do the things you love. Best of all, there’s no deadlines or set hours, so you have more time to focus on your actual job and other responsibilities.
Here are 5 creative ways to earn money using your skills.
Sell your skills or services at Fiverr
Fiverr is a website where you can sell your service for $5. There are all sorts of people who make use of the site, including freelance writers, bloggers, spokespersons, celebrity impersonators, pet models, voice over artists, and graphic artists, among others.
Among the most popular and top rated Fiverr users includes a man who offers to record your voicemail as Donald Trump. There’s also a Brit who does readings of up to 25 words as he impersonates a number of celebrities, including Morgan Freeman and Liam Neeson. So if you have a talent like this, Fiverr would be a great way for you to earn some extra income.
Teach classes online
If you have a skill that others may find valuable, you might want to try teaching classes online. Platforms such as allows you to create and sell online courses. Whether you’re an artist, a coder, a cook, a scrapbooking enthusiast, a cartoonist, a knitter, or if you’re simply passionate about what you do, you could definitely benefit from this site.
Do tasks for others for a fee
Don’t want to spend hours in front of a computer just to earn a few bucks? Then sign up with Taskrabbit, which connects you to individuals who need to get random things done. If you’re great at organizing closets, assembling furniture, or running errands, this site is the right place to get extra cash.
Take on one-day jobs
If you only have a few hours or a day to make extra income, then sign up with This site allows you to connect with people looking for dog walkers, guitar instructors, and even those who are looking for an assistant for the day.
Take surveys
Many people have made extra money doing online surveys. Sites such as gives you a part of their profit in exchange for visiting an advertiser’s website or signing up for offers.
For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on the best work from home jobs.