Work Problems Are Positvely Related To Dangerous Driving Says Study

A study has determined that there is a correlation between having problems at work and driving dangerously. Further study in other workplaces has yet to support the findings.

According to a report made by the Business Insider, a study conducted by two researchers from the University of Haifa has shed light onto the possible causes of dangerous road behavior. The two researchers, Keren Turgeman-Lupo and Michal Biron, surveyed 216 employees in one company regarding their habits when they are driving and about their work lives.

Examples of questions are whether they text while driving or tailgate. Other work related queries include whether or not they feel as if work is taking up much of their leisure time with loved ones, writes Business Insider.

The results of the research entitled "Make it to work (and back home safely): the effect of psychological work stressors on employee behavior while commuting by car" concluded that abusive supervision has a positive relationship with unsafe commuting behavior. This means that the participants in the study who have, for instance, a boss who is a bully, are more likely to drive dangerously on their commute back to their respective homes.

It is important to note that few studies in other companies and industries have been conducted regarding this topic. As such, the results discussed here can only be attributed and applied to the sample population and company.

However, the findings are still significant as it sheds light on the possible reasons behind and the antecedents of unsafe driving behavior. According to the recent report by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 660 fatalities in 2015 were caused by vehicle collisions alone and 289 were pedestrian related.

Transportation as a whole was among the top industries that had a lot of on the job deaths. To read more about it, click here.