3 Things Every Employee Deserves

Opportunity to grow, just supervision and an open, collaborative environment is what you deserve from your job, writes Forbes.

Forbes contributor Liz Ryan wrote about 10 things that employees deserve from the job, "aside from the paycheck." Here are three of the 10 things.

"The opportunity to grow professionally and personally."

One of the things Ryan mentioned is the opportunity for both personal and career growth. This can mean being given chances to bear greater responsibility for tasks, spearheading a project, gaining new skills, or having someone guide you in your career like a mentor.

You deserve to go to training seminars or leading projects. You deserve a mentor who will help you improve in areas that you lack in.

"Competent and ethical leadership and supervision."

For Ryan, you deserve a competent leader, a superior who is just and fair and not unreasonable, a boss who is approachable and someone you can learn from. Why is this important?

Consider this: a recent study revealed that abusive supervision is positively related to unsafe driving commute. This means that if your boss bullies you or is unfair, you will probably be driving dangerously on the way home, endangering not just yourself but others on the road too.

Your work life is very much connected to your personal life no matter how much we try to draw a line between them or not. Your relationship with your boss, managers, and superiors can be a matter of life and death.

"A supportive environment for teamwork, collaboration and innovation."

When you are part of an office environment that encourages interdepartmental cooperation or coworkers to collaborate on projects together, innovation and creativity are sparked.

For instance, having open office spaces fosters such an atmosphere and it leads to greater productivity as well. There will also be more instances for you to discover other career paths by working with different people and departments.

This can eventually lead you to find the right career or specialization.

Jobs, Career