Lorne Michaels, creator and producer of the wildly popular show Saturday Night Live, must have been busy for the past couple of months. SNL is undergoing major overhauls after the recent departures of its beloved cast members-Fred Armisen, Bill Hader, Jason Sudeikis, among others. Major changes would include having to insert six new cast members , and also a 'recamp' of the show's signature segment, called the "Weekend Update," in which current anchor Seth Meyers is set to leave on February, to host NBC's "Late Night Show." Fans are eagerly awaiting who will replace Meyers as the anchor. Previous anchors have included Jimmy Fallon, Amy Poehler, and Tina Fey, all of whom have catapulted into levels of stardom that their stint in SNL had helped them reach.
Michaels has said that Meyers will be accompanied at the Weekend Update skit by rising star Cecily Strong. She has been one of SNL's recurring characters, her more popular appearance being The Girl You Wished You Hadn't Started A Conversation With At A Party. The plan was to have Strong join Meyers to smoothen the transition between seasons, but Michaels had added that this was a precautionary measure, in case schedule permits Meyers to appear at both his new show and SNL.
The new SNL cast is to include the following new talents: Brooks Wheelan, a stand-up comedian from L.A., Beck Bennett, Kyle Mooney, John Milhiser, and Noël Wells/ the rest of the cast are to be officially announced on Monday.
Changes also include some behind-the-screen personnel moving to onscreen duties, and the other way around. Last season's new cast member Tim Robinson has been relegated to writing duties, while long time SNL writer Mike O'Brien, will be joining the onscreen cast.
Michaels says he makes serious choices about who to put in the cast. "One thing you can't do is look for another Kristen Wiig."
Saturday Night Live's new season premieres on September 28.