David Duchovny, Natalie Portman And More: Actors With College Degrees Unrelated To Acting

There are some actors with college degrees while there are others who do not. There are those who took up degrees in fine arts while some majored in courses totally unrelated to their acting jobs at present.

Rasmussen College published a list of 100 celebrities with college degrees. Below are some of the successful actors who graduated college with degrees that are not related to acting.

David Duchovny

Most famous for his role as FBI Agent Fox Mulder, Duchovny originally wanted to be a writer and it was through that passion that he went into acting later in life. He graduated from Princeton with a degree in English Literature and has a master's in English Literature from Yale.

Outside of acting, he has published two novels namely "Holy Cow: A Modern Day Dairy Tale" and "Bucky F*cking Dent." Both books were positively reviewed.

Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman ("Star Wars", "Black Swan") has an AB in Psychology from Harvard. In an interview with the New York Post, she has claimed that she would rather be smart than a movie star and that she does not care if her studies ruin her acting career, reports Fox News.

Ken Jeong

Ken Jeong is a comedian and has achieved recognition through his roles in comedies "Community" and "Hangover." In addition, he is also a physician.

He earned his medical degree from the University of North Carolina. His show "Dr. Ken" was based on his experiences as a doctor.

Rowan Atkinson

The man that is widely known for playing Mr. Bean and Johnny English graduated with a degree in Electrical Engineering from Oxford University. Neither Mr. Bean or English should be trusted with some electrical parts but Atkinson would sure know how to handle it.

Ray Romano

Romano from "Everybody Loves Raymond" has a bachelor's degree in accounting. Can you see Ray rifling through sheafs of numbers and doing some bookkeeping?

Lisa Kudrow

It is impossible to imagine Phoebe from the hit sitcom Friends going to college and studying science courses. In real life, however, actress Lisa Kudrow, studied biology in Vassal's College.

These various college degrees could always lead to a fallback career for the actors above in the event that acting no longer works out for them. To read more on the 100 celebrities with college degrees, click here.

College Graduates, Career