George Orwell’s ‘1984’ Sales Level Rises As Trump Counselor Talks Of ‘Alternative Facts’

It appears that more and more citizens do not trust their governments, if the increase in sales of George Orwell's novel entitled "1984." In the United States, the sale of the book climbed to new heights in response to the effort of President Donald Trump's counselor, Kellyanne Conway, to defend the new administration's claims.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer had been on hot water lately for actively denying media reports that paint the Trump administration in a bad light. In one instance, Spicer had lambasted media outlets for allegedly reporting the wrong count of the people who attended Trump's inauguration.

Trying to defend the White House press secretary's claims, Conway said Spicer did not tell lies but only spouted "alternative facts" during NBC's "Meet the Press," The Washington Post reported. In response to Conway's statement, Chuck Todd said that "alternative facts" are actually falsehoods.

What happened spurred the sale of Orwell's "1984" novel. The book is about a man living under a totalitarian government that controls what the people think by manipulating facts and changing them depending on what will benefit the government the most.

The book, which mentions words that are similar to Conway's "alternative facts" like "untruths" and "falsehoods," once again became a bestseller, according to a Reuters report. The book is now part of Amazon's top 10 bestsellers. Signet Classics, the publisher of the book, said ordered the reprint of at least 75,000 copies.

The increase in sales could herald the distrust of citizens against their governments. It could mean that citizens are willing to educate themselves in order to recognize potential tyrannies.

Trump has been championing protectionist ideals, promising that America will come first in all his actions and legislations. Several countries, including Japan and Germany, are anxious of Trump's plan, Jobs & Hire previously reported.