Former Opera Singer Gives Advice Regarding Job Hunting Rejection

Forbes Contributor Liz Ryan runs a column where she dishes out advice regarding job interviews, job searches, and even resumes. Moreover, she's a former opera singer whose experience with rejection makes her an ideal person to share some useful tips on how to deal with job search rejections.

Have numerous applications

In her article, she stated that when you are out applying for jobs, do not simply apply for one position at a time. It is better to apply to more than one company and keep the job search activity going to the point where you have to keep a Job Search Journal to keep track of your applications.

This is because when one application does not work out, you will have another to fall back on. In addition, the sting of rejection will not hurt as much when you still have other pending applications to rely on.

There is an absence of a fit

Secondly, one reason why you may not have gotten the job that you applied for is because it may not have been the right one for you. Perhaps you were overqualified or you were not suited for it.

She wrote that during her career as an opera singer, she would not land the role she auditioned for. However, six months later, she will get a call saying that the director loved her voice but it wasn't the right role for her.

It's not you, it's them

She added that at other times, the interviewer may be overwhelmed with an applicant. Maybe you made the interviewer uncomfortable due to the fact that you brought too much to the table or that you have more experience than they do.

Remember: there may not be a problem with you specifically. For more job hunting tips, follow Jobs & Hire.

Job hunt, Job search