Selena Gomez: Russia Denies Singer's Visa Application; Pop Star's Two Upcoming Concerts Cancelled Due To Russia's Anti-Gay Legislation? Is Gomez Pro Or Anti-LGBT? [VIDEO & REPORT]

Selena Gomez's visa application has been denied by Russia leading to the cancellation of her two upcoming concerts in the country amid Russia's anti-gay legislation, MSN Music News reported Thursday.

Pop star and Actress Selene Gomez has not been granted with a work visa by Russian immigration officials, forcing Gomez to scrap her two upcoming concerts in the said county.

The Moscow Times reported that Gomez was due to perform in St. Petersburg on Monday and in Moscow on Wednesday, but now the gigs have been cancelled after her application for a work visa has been rejected.

According to several reports, Selena's application has been denied by Russian authorities after several foreign artists, who have been previously been granted with entry, reportedly expressed statements against Russia's new anti-gay legislation, during their performances. Many cited Madonna and Lady Gaga as recent examples of these artists.

Russia's anti-gay legislation has been the subject of international scrutiny for its serious measures against gay citizens. It has a "gay propaganda" law and a proposed bill that entitles authorities to take away the children of LGBT parents.

In August, Russian officials said Madonna and Lady gaga had violated their visas, asserting that the two music icons have breached Russia's "gay propaganda" law while touring the county in 2012.

After the announcement, Lady Gaga answered the legal accusations through her message on Twitter: "Sending bravery to LGBTs in Russia. The rise in government abuse is archaic. Hosing teenagers with pepper spray? Beatings? Mother Russia?... The Russian government is criminal. Oppression will be met with revolution. Russian LGBTs you are not alone. We will fight for your freedom."

Meanwhile, Cher reportedly turned down a performance at the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi for the same reason.

Amidst the pressure Gomez was facing, which required her to take a stand on LGBT rights, a super fan and gay rights activist, John Becker, put up a petition at asking for the Pop star to speak out and "let LGBT folks in Russia know that we stand with them, and that they are not alone."

Huffington Post reported that the petition reached over 1,000 signatures even before news about Gomez's visa rejection came out.

"This cancellation of Selena Gomez's visa shows that the Russian government is sensitive and on the defense, and shows that the pressure from people all around the world and the backlash against these laws is strong," Becker said in a statement. "They're afraid to have someone like Selena Gomez come in and potentially use her platform to advance LGBT rights."

Meanwhile, concert organizer Jewgeni Finkelschtejn had warned that the anti-gay legislation could harm the country tremendously, adding that many prominent artists could renounce performing in Russia in the future, German site Spiegel reported.

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