3 Signs You're Too Smart For Your Job

How do you know when you are too smart for your job? Here are three signs.

Forbes contributor and CEO of Human Workplace, Liz Ryan, wrote an article that can help you spot the signs. Some are obvious while some may take a lot of reflecting.

Counting the hours

Firstly, the most obvious sign that you are too smart for your job is watching the clock, writes Ryan. One reason that you could be keeping an eye on the clock is because you are bored and tasks for the day are too easy and incapable of keeping you occupied.

Lack of Challenge

If you find yourself wondering, not for the first time, when your superior or boss will ever let you handle more challenging responsibilities that can stimulate your brain, then you are definitely too smart for your current job. Your present work no longer keeps you running and you dream of the day when you can work on something else.

Go-To Colleague

You are the Go-To Colleague in the office. Everybody comes to you for help with their work and maybe your boss does too.

Ryan writes that this is a sign that you are too smart for what you are being paid to do. You are able to do tasks that are not even in your job description and accomplish work that people above you cannot manage on their own.

There can be times wherein you are unaware that you are too smart for your job, where you are also quite humble to admit it or notice it. These signs are not only here to help you but also tell you to start reflecting about your day at the office.

Do you find yourself craving for more complicated tasks? Are you bored in the office? Review these three signs and come up with a conclusion. Maybe it's time to leave the job.

To continue reading about more signs that you are too smart for your job, click here.