Job Search: What Kind of Job Hunter Are You?

Every person is different when it comes to dealing with life's challenges—especially this adult thing called Job Hunting. Some take it seriously while others are more relaxed. If you are currently looking for a job, what kind of job hunter are you?


You are a desperate job hunter if you are in dire need of a job—any job. Fast and immediate are your favorite words.

It does not even matter if you are overqualified for the position as long as you get a job. You are willing to put yourself out there for an earned income because you may need it to survive and pay for those bills.

Job Search and Chill

You are looking for a job but are in no hurry to land an interview. TYour job search is limited to online postings and does not involve going out of the house to submit resumes to offices.

If an application does not receive a callback, it does not matter because there are still so many opportunities out there. "Besides, if I don't find a job right now, I still have more time to do a marathon of 'The X-Files.'"

Soul Searcher

You are one for the interesting jobs—be it a food taster or a makeup tester. Any job will lead you to discover more about the world and about yourself.

You are eager to learn. From the service industry to the corporate world, anything will be an adventure.


You want the fancy, high ranking job even though you may or may not have the experience or skills for it, and you turn away from entry level positions. You have a specific salary range in mind and will refuse a job offer that is below it.

Desperate but not too desperate

You are in need of a job—that much is clear to you. You apply for positions that you think you are qualified for and will refuse an offer if it does not give you the salary and hours that you think you and your skills are worth.

You know the value of your time and talents. No amount of desperation will let you settle for less.

Job search, Job hunt