Job Hunting Tips: Pick Up A Phone & Get Out Of Job Sites

If you are on the grand adventure found in adulthood known as job hunting, here are some job hunting tips to take a good read at.

Tailor Your CV

According to an article in the Guardian, one tip is to tailor your CV according to the job description and position. Do not send the exact same resume to every company that you apply for.

For instance, if you are applying for a marketing job, list only business or marketing-related experience. Do not include your internship at a government office or your time volunteering for a charity if it does not relate to the job at hand.

Tailoring your CV does not mean that you exclude other little details such as the languages you speak or your singing ability. These information make you sound human, one who has a personality and not completely formal and robot-like.

Send Numerous Applications

Hit up a lot of firms; do not apply for only one job at a time. The Guardian wrote that sending out numerous applications to many different firms increases your chances of getting a positive reply.

It also reduces the sting of rejection because when one application does not turn out the way you planned, there are still other pending ones to hope for.

Use the telephone

The Guardian writes that we mustn't forget about our good, old friend, the telephone. When you want to follow-up on an application, call the firm to immediately get an update.

Furthermore, you can inquire about job openings through the phone and get a direct email to the department that you are interested in via a phone call. This sets your resume apart from all the others that are being sent in through HR or a job site.

Don't Depend on Online Job Sites

Lastly, do not rely solely on online job websites because those will be saturated with applications. There is a small chance of your CV being spotted.

Instead, you can create a LinkedIn account, writes the Guardian, or do it the old-fashioned way--visit the firms you are interested in and submit a CV. Don't forget a cover letter (just in case).

Job hunting, Job search, Employment, Tips, Job Advice, Job hunting tips