How To Voice Shop With Google Home

Hands-free shopping can now happen with Google Home. Just tell it what you want and it will buy it for you—all you need is your voice, a credit card, and of course, a Google Home.

Google Home can now do voice shopping, writes CNET. You can get everyday items by asking it. Here's how.

According to CNET, you have to start by uploading your default address as well as your payment method and other details to Google. You can do this by opening your Google Home app on your device be it Android or iOS.

Secondly, head on over to "More Settings" and then to "Google Account Settings". Select "Payments." After you agree to the terms and conditions, you can enter your billing address as well as your credit card information in the "Payment Method" section.

Follow the prompts on the screen and then finally select your delivery address. You can then start shopping.

Say "OK Google, order pillows" and it will provide you with an array of choices, describe them to you, and then let you choose among them.

There are limitations: ordering items above $100 is not allowed. CNET also writes that you must ask specific when shopping with Google Home if you do not want it giving you the items from a generic search result.

There is also a catch wherein Google can only buy from participating Google Express retailers such as Costco, Whole Foods, PetSmart, etc., reports CNET. Fortunately, however, you do not have to pay for membership fees for stores that require a membership all through the 30th of April.

Google Home is a voice-activated speaker that is powered by Google Assistant. According to its product description, it is your own Google and you can ask it any question. All you have to do is start with "OK Google."

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