Social Media Marketing Tips: Hashtags & Sharing Buttons

Social media marketing is not only cheap, but it also manages to reach a wide audience all over the world. It is important for your business that you know how to use social media marketing, and this article tackles just that.

Forbes contributor AJ Agrawal wrote an article about the social media marketing mistakes businesses are committing. Using social media properly can greatly help your business. Check out how to do it below.

Put Social Media Sharing Buttons

According to Agrawal, websites or blogs should have social media sharing buttons so that content can reach a wider audience and gain traffic more quickly. When it is shared on Facebook or on Twitter it can lead to more people visiting the website and viewing or reading the post.

Use Hashtags Properly

Do not use too many hashtags because it distracts from the message and can come across as tacky to some people. Furthermore, when the platform does not read or support hashtags, do not include them in a post.

Agrawal also writes to use the hashtags that have potential traffic. For instance, do not use a hashtag if it is not a trending topic and still expect heavy traffic.

Tailor Content In Social Media Platforms

Not all social media platforms are created equal and neither do they have the same users. According to Agrawal, people consume content differently across various platforms.

This means that you should not post the same content in all of your business' social media accounts. Leave the photos to Instagram or the videos to Facebook.

Each platform has different and distinct capabilities. It is suggested that you understand it and optimize it.

Film Videos Horizontally

Apparently, vertical filming has gone out of fashion. Horizontal filming is the way to capture moments.

When you are filming food or an ad using your phone, always ensure that your device is positioned horizontally and is in landscape mode. Otherwise, your vertically filmed videos will find itself being sandwiched in between black bars that almost take up the whole screen.

Read more of Agrawal's tips here.

Social media marketing