High Paying Jobs That Are Less Stressful

Most people think that all jobs are stressful, especially those with bigger salaries. However, that is not always the case. There are good high paying jobs that are less stressful. This is such great news, right?

Any jobs can be stressful. That is a given especially if you do not know how to properly handle stressors. Sometimes stress can get in our way and it affects our overall performance. But it is good to know that it is indeed possible to get jobs that are not that stressful.

According to the Daily Mail, careers involving mathematics and science are less stressful compared to another profession. A profession such as a mathematician, physicist, optometrist, economist and the likes are some of the ideal jobs for those people who are aiming to earn a lot but want to stay away from stress.

The Business Insider shared that in order to find the perfect high paying and less stressful jobs, they looked into the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) and check the salary data on US Bureau of Labor Statistics. Just to make it clear, the result does not mean that those jobs are stress-free. However, they are less stressful than other professions.

O*NET database gives jobs “stress tolerance” rating on a scale of 0 to 100. The ratings are based on how regularly the workers accept criticism and how they effectively deal with work-related stress.

Here are some of the jobs that pay an average of more than $70,000 a year with a low-stress rating. Both chemical and civil engineers are on top of the list. Chemical engineer’s annual average salary is $103,960 while civil engineers get $87,940.

Those jobs in the fields of science and health care such as medical scientist, materials scientist, microbiologist, audiologist, dental hygienist, and orthodontist also make the list. As for those who want to take part in the tech industry, careers such as applications software developer and computer and information systems manager can be your options.

When it comes to work-related stress, what really matters is that you as an individual know how to properly cope with it. Most of the time, the level of stress in jobs depends on the individual’s personality, says Jobs & Hire.

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