Facebook Is The Next Job Site

Facebook may become the new go-to job website with its job feature. Applications are done through the social media website and a form filled out and sent via Messenger.

Facebook is offering a new feature called "Jobs on Facebook" that allows people to apply for jobs via Facebook pages, reports The Next Web and Big Think. With Facebook's monthly active users numbering at 606 million as written in a news article published by Jobs & Hire, this job feature may make the social media website the new job site.

How does it work? According to The Next Web, the pages of businesses and companies can publish job listings the same way it would post a status. Interested candidates can then comment, like, share, and even tag their friends with the latter having the effect of spreading the word on open positions.

Furthermore, an Apply Now button is present. Once clicked, applicants fill out an application and then submit it through Facebook Messenger.

This job feature does not require interested persons to leave Facebook at all, reports The Next Web. Search for jobs, apply for jobs, and spread the word about it all through the use of Facebook be it on your phone or on your desktop.

Makeup artist, Ashley Bob, found a job using the feature. She said that job hunting using her phone was easier and faster than physically going out and looking for a job.

Similarly, Wendy Grahn from Lakeview Kitchen & Market shared that it only took her three minutes to fill up the information in the feature to look for employees. She stated that it wasn't long before someone has already inquired, saying that he found the listing on Facebook.

This feature was launched on February 16, Thursday. It is only available in US and Canadian Business Pages.

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Facebook, LinkedIn, Job, Employment