Walmart Cashier Helps Pay For Half of Family’s Grocery Bill

In recent years, people would regularly take to the Internet to vent about Walmart’s poor customer service and rude staff. But this week, a cashier working at the Walmart in Columbia, South Carolina, did a random act of kindness, and the whole story was shared on social media.

Ashley Jordan took to Facebook on Saturday, Feb. 18, to share how Walmart employee Sharnique Dasant helped her family out while they were buying groceries. Jordan and her husband, Michael, were dreading the shopping trip because they know that his income only goes to food for their family of five.

“I will say that I’m not a fan of shopping at Walmart because of how rude some of the people can be,” Jordan said. “But after tonight my whole perspective has changed.”

She revealed that as they were unloading their groceries on the conveyor belt for the cashier to scan, their youngest daughter started to make a fuss as she was very tired. Dasant engaged the couple in conversation and said that they must have a big family as “y’all have a lot of stuff.”

When Jordan was told that her grocery bill amounted to $200, she started digging through her wallet for the money, and at that point, Dasant told her that it looks as if they might need a blessing.

What followed next was unexpected for the couple, as Dasant walked around the counter to make an entry on the keypad. Jordan initially thought that the cashier was giving them a coupon, but to her surprise, she saw that the total amount of her groceries was down to $100.

Dasant has paid for half of the family’s groceries, and Jordan was at a loss for words.

“I didn’t know what to say,” she said. “How could this woman who didn’t even know me, know our situation…why would she do this?”

Jordan asked Dasant to take a picture with her and asked permission to share it on social media, and the cashier agreed. As the family headed home, the two were still in awe of what happened and were reassured that things will be better for their family because of people like Dasant.

Dasant was interviewed by WLTX and the cashier said that her actions were led by her faith and that God told her to give the family $100.

“I just had a little man on my shoulder that was like, ‘Give her a $100, give her a $100,’” Dasant recalled. At that point, the Walmart worker told the mother-of-three that God told her to give her $100.

Jordan told Inside Edition that though she and Michael had the money to pay for their groceries, Dasant’s gesture took pressure off her shoulders.

“I plan to pay it forward in the future any way that I possibly can to help somebody, because the feeling that I felt when she did that was just overwhelming,” said Jordan.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on the homeless man who got a job after receiving a donated suit.