Tough Job Interview Questions: How Many Fire Hydrants Are There?

Everyone knows that one must be prepared for every job interview. Not only will your mannerisms, social skills, and appearance be judged, but questions will be asked and some jobs have the toughest questions of all—so tough it's ranging on absurd.

However, no matter how absurd, there is a job offer on the line and you need to come up with a suitable response—be it witty, complex, or just as ridiculous as the questions thrown your way.

This is because as job hunters, we do not know the purpose behind the queries. It could be to determine our analytical skills, response to pressure, an idea of our personality, or out-of-the-box thinking.

An article by CNBC contained a list of jobs with the toughest interview questions. Check them out below.

Math questions

Some interviewers ask math-related questions and I'm not certain if they provide you with a calculator when they do. For instance, applying for a hardware engineer position in Jump Trading will result in being asked to look for the square root of 1.2, writes CNBC.

"What is the angle at 3:15?" is another question at Fast Enterprises, for the job of Implementation Consultant. If you're are able to recall your trigonometry, this answer may be a no brainer.

However, there are other questions that might come off as tough and will involve doing more complex computations in your mind. According to CNBC, Disney Interactive Studios, for example, asks a Software Engineer applicant the number of fire hydrants in Los Angeles County.

Identity questions

Working for audit at BDO USA, on the other hand, may find yourself revealing what part of the daily newspaper you look to read first. CNBC also wrote that getting a job as Twitter's brand strategist means having to identify a brand that represents who you are.

Random questions

Some questions seem to be completely random and unrelated to the job at hand. Take Optics Planet and the question of "What's the capital of Canada?"

There is also PSA Airlines who is interested in the person from history that you would like to go out with. Have you ever had a difficult interview question to answer? Share your story and comment it below!

Job interview questions, Job interview