Job Hunting Advice For Fresh Graduates: Don’t Follow This One

As a fresh graduate gearing up for that first job, sometimes you may be clueless as to what to do and tend to listen to people's advice. However, there's one advice fresh grads often receive but is actually wrong. That is limiting your job applications to three to four companies only.

Liz Wessel, CEO of WayUp, told Business Insider that young people are often told to send applications to around three companies only and then wait. But that should not be the case. The competition is stiff and you should explore as many opportunities in various industries as possible.

"Explore job opportunities and try to find as many as possible, that you should try to apply to," Wessel said. "Don't apply to hundreds, but I wouldn't put my eggs in only three or four baskets."

It should be noted though that you should not send in your applications like giving out flyers. You can list down the top 10 or 20 companies you to apply to. Then you have to do your research and tailor your resume based on the company or industry and the position you are applying for. Not creating a customized resume is one of the top mistakes of fresh college graduates, according to

In addition, as a job applicant, you should be proactive. Use your networks to find the "in" in each of the companies you are targeting to get into. Career expert Liz Ryan said via, "Don't be shy -- reach out to any long-ago Scoutmaster, choir director, or babysitting or leaf-raking boss."

Don't just sit back and wait for the phone to ring. Follow up on your applications, which would actually show that you are really interested to work with the company.

Lastly, look for a job that would give you a great deal of experiences. Your first job need not be your dream job.

Career tips, Job hunting, Jobs