2 Reasons To Walk Out Of A Job Interview

My first job interview was almost an hour long and it was halfway through when I told myself that I did not want to take the job. I especially did not want to work for the hiring manager who made me feel small and unintelligent.

If one of your interviews is anything like mine, you have two options. You can either finish the interview out of politeness (which is what I did) or you can get up and leave.

Liz Ryan, a Forbes contributor, stated that you can leave an interview given the following reasons.

Bad environment

From plain dirty surroundings to an ambiance that is the opposite of sunny and warm, these are viable reasons for you to get up and walk out of a job interview. It is important that you feel comfortable in your working environment seeing as that is where you'll be spending most of the hours of the day.

The word 'environment' above includes how coworkers treat one another. Are they friendly? Robot-like? Is there an occasional bout of laughter or are sounds of typing and telephone rings the only things you can hear?

According to Ryan, you can leave the job interview the minute you feel uncomfortable, the moment alarm bells are ringing in your head, or your gut is telling you that you will not be happy in that office.

Awful managers or recruiters

Ryan also wrote there may be an interview wherein the hiring manager or recruiter is insulting you, making you feel less than what you really are, or asking inappropriate questions that have no place in an interview. These are also other reasons to leave.

The recruiter may be more engrossed in selling you the job than inquiring about your own skills and experience. He or she may not have been aware of your interview and is nowhere to be found or arrives late and flustered, writes Ryan.

These simply indicate that they are not aware of prior meetings, do not respect you and thus do not deserve you.

For more job interview tips, follow Jobs & Hire.

Job interview, Job interview tips