Robots Can't Replace Cybersecurity & Creative Jobs

Time and time again, we read articles about robots coming in, swooping our jobs right out of our hands, and replacing us humans. It sounds morbid, apocalyptic, and plain depressing.

But Forbes has turned the topic around. It asked the Forbes Technology Council what jobs robots will be unable to replace.

Artistic and Creative Fields

The consensus among the members of the Forbes Technology Council seems to be that no amount of automation will be able to replace jobs that require creativity and artistic input. Examples of these are the music and entertainment industries.

Despite the fact that digital technology has made it possible to resurrect deceased actors on film such as Paul Walker in Fast and the Furious franchise, human emotions are more expertly portrayed by actual human actors. Manuel Vellon says that technology will, at most, aid these fields such as suggest metric and moods for songwriters to use in compositions.

Some may argue that robots can turn these jobs automated. But Timothy Chaves says that no one wants to see it happen.

Imagine going to a concert only to find a robot jamming out the tunes, or robot players competing at a football game. The experience will be different and that's why according to Chaves, competitive sports and live music will not be completely automated.

Other fields include the arts such as painting, sculpture making, and philosophy. Scott Stiner adds that written content cannot also be replicated by robots even thought AI bots are already writing articles for Forbes and Associated Press, reports Jobs & Hire.


It is interesting to note that the Forbes Technology Council do not find robots to be a threat to cybersecurity-related jobs. Alexander Polyakov stated that cybersecurity is unique in a way that it constantly needs to be reinvented, upgraded.

You cannot put in a digital lock and leave it the way it is. There are people who will find ways to get through cyber defenses as technology continues to advance, they will look for a way to trick cybersecurity.

The possibility that robots, formulas, and other software can be fooled is why humans are still needed to keep on reinventing security. The defense system needs to learn how to prevent attacks, says Polyakov.

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