Take the road less traveled, says Robert Frost. Former NASA Trainer and lesbian fiction writer Dr. Lacey Schmidt says something quite similar to LGBTQ students: take the less obvious career path.
Career advice was given during a talk held at South Texas College last February 27, Monday, reports the Valley Town Crier. The speaker was a former astronaut trainer at Nasa and a lesbian fiction author named Dr. Lacey Schmidt.
She spoke to LGBTQ students about her experiences and what kind of career paths to take. According to Schmidt, curiosity is key.
According to RGV Proud, she told the audience gathered that success and happiness in your chosen career are possible regardless of who you are, what your sexual orientation is, or what kind of gender you identify as. This can be done by being curious.
For Schmidt, you must not follow where the money is at. Instead, be curious when you are considering different careers and choose the one that will make you happy, choose the less obvious career path, writes RGV Proud.
What this means is that curiosity is the key. Explore different fields. How can you get an idea of whether you will be content with a certain job if you know nothing about it?
Furthermore, there are so many fields out there in the vast world, some of which do not even exist yet--they are simply possibilities that have yet to take actual form. Being curious can either lead you to bring that shapeless, formless career path into the light or joining one that already has firm foundations.
It is important to remember Eric Turmeunde's career tip: it is you who defines success, not your peers, not your parents, not your family, but you. You tell yourself what you want and you tell yourself where you will be happy.
After all, it is your life that's going to be greatly affected by the paths you take. So, take the less obvious career path, explore, be curious.