Right Ways Of Handling Mess Ups At Work

The saying that “nobody is perfect” is true, and it applies to every aspect of life. Mistakes happen, that is a given fact. Even in the workplace, it is normal to commit mistakes and errors. What matters the most is that you know the right ways of handling mess ups at work.

Forbes shared the incident during the recent 89th Academy Awards ceremony wherein someone at the Oscars handed Warren Beatty the wrong envelope. Beatty was presenting the last award of the night the Best Picture. He was given the wrong envelope that led to the announcement of the wrong winner of the prestigious award.

PricewaterhouseCoopers released an apology statement after what happened and said, “We sincerely apologize to ‘Moonlight,’ ‘La La Land,’ Warren Beatty, Faye Dunaway and Oscar viewers for the error that was made during the award announcement for Best Movie…We are currently investigating how this could have happened, and deeply regret that this occurred.”

What happened was such a huge mistake and even embarrassing for all parties involved. Someone at PricewaterhouseCoopers will surely be liable for it. That person messed up big time. In situations like that, how you handle the aftermath matters a lot, said Lifehack.

So when you screwed up at work, the right thing to do is own up to it and apologized. Just like what PricewaterhouseCoopers did within hours after the incident, the company took initiative to apologize. Simply admitting your mistakes and saying sorry make a big difference already.

It also helps if you get some perspectives and reality check of the situation. If you can still fix the problem then good, do something about it. Having a few solutions to the problem will somehow ease the tension.

Another important thing to do is not to blame others for what happened. Pointing fingers will not help at all. Yes, you should not take full responsibility for something if you are not completely liable to it. But throwing blame will not help either. If other people are involved, let them own up to their mistakes.

And lastly, learn from your mistakes and forgive yourself. Committing mistakes is part of life, but recovering from it is not an easy road to take. It may be hard to move forward from a situation after you fumbled. But it is really important that you recover and handle your mistakes accordingly.

In other news, Jobs & Hire shared how Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella sent a remarkable email to his employee after the epic failure of the company’s Twitter bot, “Tay.” Nadella sent the email in order to give light to what happened.

Work, Career