Job Interview Questions You Need To Ask

If you think job interviewers are one-sided inquiries involving the recruiter asking the job applicant some questions, then you’re wrong. Questions go both ways and are a way for the two parties to get more information than the usual job packet.

Liz Ryan writes that there are important questions you should ask during job interviews. No, it is not about the benefits.

Ask about the firm’s culture

Inquiring about the firm’s culture is important as it will give you an idea about the firm’s values, its mission, and its environment. You can then determine whether or not the culture suits you.

There are numerous studies that have found that a high person-organization fit leads to more job satisfaction. Ryan writes, however, that instead of asking the vague question “What’s culture like here?” you ask, “Can you please tell me a story about the culture here?”

The difference between the two is that the former is vague and more difficult to answer compared to the second. The second question specifies a story, which means that the recruiter will be more specific and the example will be more concrete and imaginable seeing as it’s real and not abstract.

Ask about the recruiter’s working experience

All job applicants are curious about their potential employer, their potential colleagues, and their potential work environment. If you do not know someone inside the firm whom you can ask for some inside scoop, you can turn to the recruiter.

According to Ryan, ask the interviewer what the best thing about working for the firm is. She writes that some will say the benefits when it should be the work, the mission, and the people that matter.

Ask about yourself

You can tell a lot about a company depending on what they first see or prioritize in their employees. It’s important that you ask the interviewer what it is about you that they thought was special enough to warrant an interview.

“What was it about my resume that interested you?” or “Why did you decide to interview me?” writes Ryan. These are questions that can shine a light on the organization of the firm.

If the interviewer replies with, “I wasn’t the one who decided it,” Ryan writes that it is a sign of boxed-in employees. She states that anyone involved in the hiring process should be able to answer the question and relate your CV to the job.

Remember these questions and don't be afraid to ask them!

Job interview questions
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