Manny Machado, Oriole’s Star Landed In Stretcher Due to Injury

Professional baseball third baseman and shortstop Manny Machado ended in stretcher after he got an injury on his last game last Monday. The twenty one year old baseball star player has a left injury, which many thinks that it's serious.

However his Orioles team is very careful in giving a statement with regards to the severity of Machado's condition, as they don't want to assume anything, not until an MRI result will be perform today. But the Baltimore Orioles management made a judgment to not allow Machado to play for the rest of the season, as he needs a total rest for a faster healing.

The Orioles third baseman was able to knock the field on the seventh inning against rays, but ended up with a left injury due to his improper turn as he hit the bag.

The fans witness how serious Machado's injury is, as he was down for a few minutes, with traces of pain all over his face that landed him on stretcher. It was said that Machado was on his way to buckle for his first base when he fell to the ground which make the audience in the state of shock for a while.

Machado's teammate did not fail him to show some concern during the painful accident. They immediately responded to give a helping hand, making it sure to not add more injury.

Many sports analyst commented on the said incident, which majority of them agreed that proper body mechanics is very important when you play a sport such as baseball. "Knee injury is common to baseball, as it involves a lot of turning and running", Nelson Black said, Action Sports writer. He added that sometimes, players usually forgot to incorporate this concept, especially in times when excitement comes just like hitting the ball and score.

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