Steve Jobs Was A Low Tech Parent: Did Not Let His Children Use An iPad

In today’s modern world, children tend to have unlimited access to technology. However, the late Steve Jobs was a low-tech parent, and he did not let his children use an iPad. Jobs was known for the success of Apple devices such as iPod, iPad and iPhone. But as a parent, Jobs limited the use of technology in his own household.

Back in 2014, the New York Times reported about Nick Bilton’s conversation with the late Apple Chief Executive Officer after the launch of the first generation iPad. The most interesting part of it was when Jobs was asked if his children enjoyed using the iPad. He gave a surprising answered and said, "They haven't used it. We limit how much technology our kids use at home."

Jobs' answer was quite unexpected, given the fact that he was the big man behind Apple technology's success. During the time that the iPad was launched, Jobs described it as a wonderful device. He even said that it was a good educational tool, which allowed the users to make research and surf the web. He also pointed out that the iPad lets you do a lot of things, such as watch movies and interact with other people.

However, when it came to Jobs' parenting style, iPad was not a part of it. In one of his interviews two years after the launch of iPad, Jobs shared that iPad was not allowed in their home because they know firsthand the dangerous effects of technology, as reported by the Business Insider.

Jobs knew how addictive the use of iPad was, that is why he did not let his children get hooked to it. He may have created all those amazing gadgets, but he was also well aware of its effect, especially to kids. There are a lot of adults who are consumed with iPad, iPhone, and the likes. That is part of reality since we now live in the digital age. But there is a real danger in raising children who are very inclined to gadgets.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire reported that Apple’s CEO, Tim Cook, shared his excitement regarding augmented reality. He even hinted that Apple sees great potential in it.

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Steve Jobs, Apple, Apple Inc