66% Of Men Think Women Should Work Paid Jobs, Says Study

Two-thirds of both men and women believe that women should be in paid jobs. This comes from a poll conducted and collaborated on by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and Gallup.

On March 8, the day declared as International Women’s Day, the results of the study conducted by Gallup and the International Labour Organization (ILO) was released, CNBC reports. According to the data, which was taken from approximately 149,000 participants from 142 countries, men and women respondents who prefer women to work paid jobs are 66 percent and 70 percent, respectively.

These individuals prefer that women should work rather than stay at home for a full-time period. This is in contrast to the 27 percent of women participants and 29 percent of men respondents who opted for the latter. Another option was given aside from the choice to work at a paid job and to stay at home full-time. This is the choice to work and care for families at the same time, a choice that 41 percent of women preferred, says the report.

CNBC also writes that the Director-General of the International Labour Organization stated that gender equality at the workplace could be achieved with policies that are supportive of families. Such policies would enable women to have paid employment and men to do their share of care work.

In other news, a 26-year-old woman’s job interview was not allowed to continue because she was not dressed appropriately enough. The woman, Rosie Reilly, took to Twitter to share the incident regarding her application for Boots Opticians.

The Boots interviewer offered to reschedule the interview, but Reilly declined. She stated that the incident affected her confidence, writes Jobs & Hire.

Another woman was also denied a job due to her hair being deemed unprofessional. Read the full story published here.

Gender equality, Gender Discrimination