Too Much Social Media Can Lead To Loneliness

You can find many people who spend a lot of time in social media such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat and the likes. There is a study that shows spending too much time on social media can lead to loneliness. It makes the person feel socially isolated.

A study such as this is interesting given that technology is already a major part of the lives of many people. Not to mention, social media is seen as an important tool in order to help people connect and interact.

According to Lifehacker, a study made by Brian Primack from the University of Pittsburgh found out that social media leads to feelings of loneliness to young adults. Those young adults who spent more than two hours a day in social media saw themselves to be more socially isolated, compared to those who only spent half an hour or less.

Primack and his team have yet to discover the direct cause of it. But most likely, it has something to do with the fact that you get to see other people interact with one another. For someone who is just looking through, it will make you think and feel that everyone is connecting and having fun. While you are just there, watching your feed.

Primack explained that “We are inherently social creatures, but modern life tends to compartmentalize us instead of bringing us together," as reported by Daily Times.

Teen Vogue cited a study that linked depression and social media usage. A survey was conducted wherein 1,787 adults between 19 and 32 participated, and researchers found out that those people who are too engrossed with social media are most likely to be depressed. However, researchers did not suggest to completely shut off from social media. What is important is that you know the signs when it is already too much.

If your feed has too much negativity on it then better close it. Exposure to negative news can have an impact on one’s mental health. Aside from that, once you feel a sting of jealousy over other people’s property or stuff, then it is time to close the page. Yes, it is part of being human. However, too much of it can be really bad.

And lastly, when you start feeling left out and inadequate because of what you see in your news feed, then it is enough already. Interacting through social media should not let you feel that way. But if that’s the case, then it is time for you to get a break from it.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire reports that social media can possibly affect one’s job search. That is why it is very important to be mindful of what you post and say in your social media profile.

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