Substance Abuse: Combination Of Pot And Booze Lower One’s GPA

Substance abuse can do no good at all. College students who are very much into booze and pot are in so much trouble, especially when it comes to their grades. The combination of both substances can lower one’s GPA.

There are several research that show heavy use of marijuana and alcohol are associated with low grades, poor performance, and worse graduation rates. They also experience difficulty finding and keeping jobs. According to Reuters, there is a current study that pays more connection on how substance abuse can affect the student’s GPA. They take a closer look on the GPA of students who start college with the same academic potential but use different quantity of pot and booze.

Shashwath Meda of the Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center and Hartford Hospital in Connecticut, who led the study shared that they were “surprised that students who consumed fairly large quantities of alcohol alone and very little marijuana did not have a consistent decrease in GPA.”

Meda continues that “Those who moderated drug use over the period of the study were able to recover and perform better academically.”

Yale News reported that researchers at Yale and the Institute of Living in Hartford followed Connecticut college students over four semesters. They asked them to answer online questions about their marijuana and alcohol use on a monthly basis.

Through their study, they were able to find out that both alcohol and marijuana can cause memory impairment, shorten attention, impairs executive function and the ability to identify spatial and visual objects. Thus, they make the student less effective with their study habits and reduce their ability in retaining lessons.

Meanwhile, Jobs & Hire reported that Grammy-award winning singer, Rihanna hinted that she would consider going back to college. Rihanna gladly talked about it when she accepted Harvard's 2017 Humanitarian of the Year Award.

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