Pope Francis Speaks Out Against Shady Business Deals That Hurt Employment

The promise of easy money lures people around the world to entering shady business deals that they otherwise will not consider. Although some people could have willingly entered into illegal businesses, some do so due to strenuous circumstances.

Avoiding shady business deals when in dire need of money is difficult, especially when there is no one to turn to. However, trying illegal activities just to earn money might end up hurting you in the end.

Several illegal activities are actually lucrative, which makes it harder for people to resist them. Most of them also pose danger to the lives of other people.

While several illegal businesses operate underground, some legal businesses also do some shady maneuvers just to gain more profit. Having a business permit does not automatically mean that a business is doing everything by the book.

According to a report on Catholic News, Pope Francis shamed business owners who put profit over their employees. The pope also called out businesses that close their factories, facilities and/or offices just to favor some business dealings, causing people to lose their livelihood.

The pope's statement came when he was talking to the employees of Italy's Sky television. Sky employees are at risk of losing their jobs after the television company decided to transfer its headquarters to Milan due to rising costs and outdated digital infrastructure in Rome.

Based on a report by Small Business Online, doing something illegal within the business premise does not necessarily mean that owners are knowledgeable of it. The article noted that while employees in the United States and elsewhere in the globe are happily anticipating March Madness, they might engage in office pools.

Office pools might be considered as something fun to do to participate in March Madness. However, business owners should take note that some states in the U.S. prohibit sports gambling, so employees participating in office pools might actually be breaking the law.

When scandals and lawsuits hit a business, rebranding might be one of the things that business owners can do to save it, according to a Jobs & Hire report.

Pope Francis, United States