iOS 7 had been a trending topic since its release two weeks ago, along with iPhone 5S and iPhone 5C. Some embrace the change, while others express their disappointments in the social networking site. "I did not find new interesting features here, iOS 7 is a waste", Martin Luke, said. He added that he was excited to upgrade his iPhone to iPhone 5S or iPhone 5C, only to find out that there is no difference between the previous iOS and the latest.
Ordinary citizen are not the only one who notice the lack of competence with iOS 7, even Hollywood celebrities too. Some of the well known artist welcomes the change, while others did not.
According to the review conducted by Business Insider, there are 11 common complaints about iOS 7 on iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C.
The icons on the menu are too colorful, which consumers says "it is meant for kids". Also the battery easily gets low which do not fit for a long day use.
- User could not choose which WiFi network to operate or join in the control panel.
- The tweeter screen looks different from the original tweeter version, which users say "they miss tweeting on their old screen".
- It is difficult to figure out on how to text and delete messages.
- Clicking an app from its folder will lead you back to the folder where it came from instead of going to the home screen. You still have to double click it instead.
- The screen looks unprofessional because it is too colorful.
- The weather app does not constantly have an update.
- Wallpapers are unlikable.
- Some could not figure out on how to close an open app. It takes a lot of time to figure out that all it needs to do is to double click the home screen and do a swipe upward for the app screen that you want to close.
- Apps such as games will sometimes freeze or the window will suddenly close. Some of the user wants to play chess with their friends but could not do it due to the said problem.
- Morning alert tone automatically changes without the user updating it that leads to confusion.