"Girls shouted and scream for One Direction Band that's a fact", Sheryl said, a One Direction fanatic. She added that being in their concert is a dream come true for those girls who aspire to see them.
However, an Australian mother who chose to break her daughter's heart by selling her One Direction ticket on eBay was a talked of the internet today. It was now considered as the "Nastiest deal on eBay ever".
The said mother would like to teach her daughter a lesson after lying to her. Her rage provoked when her daughter told her about having an overnight study in one of her friend's house, only to find out that she slept on an older boy's place instead.
The mother thinks that selling the "Live Concert One Direction ticket this October 25th in Australia" that she originally purchased for her daughter's birthday is the most brutal punishment. The ticket is supposed to be seated in a Row O section 57
The One Direction ticket auction under tsfe user was discovered by the Reddit user canusich, with a humiliating description that makes every naughty daughter disappear on the face of the universe.
In the ticket's description it says that the mother is selling the ticket to the one who truly deserves, which obviously her daughter don't. She claimed that children need to be honest to their parents because they deserved respect and even "the greatest love that anyone deserves". The mother even emphasized her daughter's "silly pack mentality" as a wrong move to fool them. She even disregards the prank calls that her daughter's friend are making just to buy the ticket. "I'm your mother, and I am here to give you boundaries that you need to become a functional responsible adult" the mother ended the ticket's description.