On Wednesday, A U.S non-profit said that a doctor in New Jersey, and a writer of fanstasy books are among the 24 Americans with most creative, and unique minds who will be awarded $625K each. They were chosen for the "genius" grants for 2013.
(Reuters) According to the organization, The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation picked 13 men, together with 11 women this year.
The program started its tradition in 1981, and has provided 873 grants overall from a variety of fields. The Foundation provided a safety financial backbone for Scientists, scholars, artists and activists in the past who pursued their passions.
Grant's Program's Vice President, Cecilia Conrad said in a statement;
"Their stories should inspire each of us to consider our own potential to contribute our talents for the betterment of humankind,"
The process of nomination and selection committees who decides whom to award the Grant is anonymous. The recipients are not aware they are eligible until they win.
This year, one of the recipient of the grant is a New York-based fiction writer Karen Russell, 32 who now looks forward to long years of fiction writing.
She said;
"What's so great about this award is that it's completely validating on so many levels. It's an unbelievable gift to get to dedicate yourself wholeheartedly to a fiction project."
Another recipient, Dr. Jeffrey Brenner, 44, who founded the Camden Coalition of Healthcare Providers after his private practice in New Jersey. He constructed a searchable database and geographic mapping of discharge data from all patients at Camden's hospitals. His goal is to reduce repeated emergency room visits and hospitalizations, causing costs of healthcare to increase.
Brenner said;
"We worked for a lot of years in relative obscurity with not a lot of resources so it's really nice to see the work we care about get recognized,"
According to Reuters written article, other Grant recipients are from various field, a choreographer, medieval historian playwright, neuroscientist, immigration lawyer and a photographer.