This Company Wants To Pay Someone $10,000 A Month To Travel And Live in Luxury Homes

Most companies offer attractive or unusual perks in order to entice young workers. However, a luxury property and travel club appears to take the award for one of the best jobs ever, as the company is looking for someone to travel and live in luxurious homes. The best part? Whoever gets employed will earn $10,000 a month.

Third Home took to its official Facebook page to post the job opening, and the company is looking for someone who has the “ability to understand and appreciate luxury” and share experiences with the world via blogging or vlogging, along with other social media outlets.

To qualify, applicants must have exceptional writing skills, and anyone from any part of the world can apply for the job. Candidates must be able to travel for three consecutive months, specifically from late summer to late fall.

Applicants must be at least 18 years old and have a valid passport, Visa, and driver’s license. Candidates should have no fear of flying, and anyone who wishes to be considered should not have a criminal record.

Whoever gets chosen will get paid $10,000 a month, and the company will cover all the travel expenses for the three-month period. The lucky person will also get the privilege to take one travel companion at any given time to accompany him or her during travels.

The person who gets selected for the job will stay at the most luxurious resorts and homes across the world selected by Third Home. Whoever gets the job will stay at varied locations, as seen in the company’s official website.

Third Home lists some of the most desirable properties in the world such as a luxury villa in Bali, Indonesia; a “castle above the clouds” in Truckee, California; a 4-bedroom penthouse in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico; an ocean-view suite in Jamaica; and even a castle-like Scottish country estate in the United Kingdom. It’s possible that the chosen blogger/vlogger/photographer will get to stay in these properties, among others.

To apply for “the best job on the planet,” applicants should send a one-minute video to tell Third Home why they are the best pick for the job. Application deadline is on March 30, 2017.

For more, check out Jobs & Hire’s report on the college that trains nannies for royals and high profile families.