Why Java Developers Are Still In Such High Demand

Programming languages have long been recognized as one of the most efficient means by which young professionals can establish themselves in their desired industry while earning a tidy income for themselves. In recent years, however, some industry analysts have been casting doubts on Java developers, arguing that the seasoned programming language is on its last legs and no long worthy of attention. In reality, however, Java developers are still in high demand, and learning Java will doubtlessly prove to be a wise investment for years to come

Here's why Java developers are still in such high demand, and why learning a new programming language will continue to be a sound investment for the foreseeable future.

Old is not outdated

Perhaps the most notable criticism levied against those who try their hands at learning Java is that the programming language is old, and thereby outdated. In reality, however, Java has endured for so long because it's capable of outcompeting so many other programming languages which aren't nearly as useful. The facts speak for themselves in this regard; despite the fact that Java dates back to the 1990s, Java programmers are still in hot demand right now, with many Java-centric jobs being some of the highest paid entry-level positions in the economy.

Glassdoor recently conducted a survey of entry level workers across the United States, and what it found should put a smile on the face of every young professional who's worked tirelessly to master the intricacies of Java. According to the job market report, Java developers enjoy the 8th highest median base salary of entry level jobs in the economy, demonstrating their vast utility in the modern marketplace. If Java was an outdated language that few modern businesses sought out, it wouldn't rank nearly as high in terms of median base salary.

It's imperative to establish that we can't consider Java to be outdated simply because its old; many people in the tech industry seem to believe that something is better simply because its new. In reality, however, tried-and-tested programming languages which have demonstrated their vast utility over the decades will doubtlessly prove to be mainstays of the marketplace for years to come. Young professionals who are worried about earning enough money to purchase a home for themselves one day should thus seriously consider brushing up on their Java development skills, as it could prove to be immensely fruitful.

If you're striving to work for a good custom software agency or simply want to elucidate your tech prowess to prospective employers in non-tech industries, learning Java could prove to be one of the wises investments you've ever made in yourself.

Java is in high demand because it's easy to master

Some prospective programmers may be turning away from Java because they fear it's too difficult to learn; after all, if Java skills earn you so much money in today's competitive economy, it naturally follows that they must be difficult to master. In reality, however, Java is an immensely simply programming language compared to many other alternatives, and most talented professionals who try their hand at it find it's easier to master than they initially believed. With more than nine million Java developers around the world, it's easy to see that just about anyone can become a Java guru provided they have the perseverance and wit needed to master the programming language.

As IBM notes in their praise of Java as a programming language, Java's platform-independent nature means it's a breeze for new programmers to move easily from one computer system to another. Being platform independent will doubtlessly buoy Java's prospects in the near-future, too, as other programming languages which struggle to transfer themselves from one system to another will be increasingly shunned by companies and aspiring tech gurus alike. Besides being a diverse and easy to master programming language, Java ensures that those who learn it are getting plenty of IT experience. Working as a Java programmer, for instance, may entail such disparate tasks as designing sleek user interfaces to testing a dynamic application.

The wide-range of Java applications ensure that those who learn this programming language will be frequently collaborating with other professionals in their industry. One of the reasons that Java developers remain in such high demand, for instance, is that they can frequently work seamlessly with web designers and software engineers. As a consequence of this, companies are looking for Java masters because they're natural team members, as few businesses want to hire a programmer who doesn't work well with others.

As time goes on, Java will keep proving the doubters wrong by enduring in the marketplace long after other programming languages have risen and fallen. Young professionals who are concerned about the efficacy of Java as a programming language can rest assured; Java developers will continue to be in high demand for the foreseeable future thanks to their malleable skill set and collaborative ability to work with others.

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