It's not easy telling your marketing team that it's okay after a recent marketing disaster. You can throw the blame around, or you can find a way to make things right next time. Letting everyone know that there's still hope and that you can come up with new advertising campaigns next time is helpful. At this point, you can't bring people down further. Be the type of leader who encourages the team during a difficult moment.
Assess what happened
The first step is to determine what went wrong and why things ended the way they did. Find out the mistakes in the process. It could be the entire concept had flaws. It could also have been the implementation of the plan. Check what went wrong without necessarily blaming anyone for the mistake. It's a painful process that you need to go through if you want to learn from the error.
Set a team building activity
Perhaps, the reason why the strategy failed was due to the inability of the team members to work together. If they had helped each other more, things might have been better. Therefore, it might help if you come up with a team building activity to ensure that on the next campaign, everyone in the team will be on the same page and work closely with each other.
Talk to the marketing team members individually
Some members might feel frustrated because of what happened but are unable to express themselves in a large group. It helps if you try talking to them separately so that they feel more comfortable telling you how they feel. You might also understand the primary reason why the campaign failed and act accordingly. During the private conversations, you need to offer your support and try not to blame anyone.
Take responsibility for what happened
Good leadership means that you need to take responsibility even if you didn't directly get involved with the failure. Since the entire team is under your care, it's crucial that you let them know that you also are to blame, and you have their back. If you need to explain what happened to higher authorities, you need to show that your lack of excellent leadership led to such results. Don't throw the members of your marketing team under the bus and blame them for what happened.
Move on to a new campaign
You still have several chances to prove your marketing team can do a great job and they will turn things around. Let them know what the next step is and what you intend to do to reach your goals. The marketing failure was a slip, and it's time to stand up.
Focus on other strategies that could work next time. For instance, if your social media campaign did not turn out the way you wanted, your next plan might focus on a banner display stand. It might be a traditional route, but it could work. You might feel surprised about how things turn out if you do it right. The point is that everyone works together and does not blame each other.