Day by day, technology is changing, new knowledge and new inventions are developing. That being said, it is not surprising why Instagram is rolling out new and more advanced features. What's more, they are switching up their algorithm. Read on to learn more about all the amazing and exciting features of Instagram.
Email Checker
By any chance, have you received emails from Instagram stating that you have eligible for verification or your password has been changed? If yes, you are not alone. Unfortunately, some Instagram users have clicked the links and after a couple of hours, they perceived that their accounts have been hacked. It is like a phishing scam.
The emails were sent by an unknown party that intends to trick you into entering your password and username somewhere so that they will be able to steal it promptly.
Fortunately, Instagram realized that it is not a simple problem. Thus, it implemented a feature that can help people in determining whether the email came from Instagram or not.
You can find this feature in your Settings and displays emails sent by the app in the last two weeks.
Removing followers
Regardless of what your engagement and posting approach is, fake accounts and bots, still manage to gatecrash and spate the list of your followers. Such followers will not comment nor like your posts. Keep in mind that having a lot of these accounts may badly affect your overall engagement rate.
Rather than downloading and installing a third-party application that is unapproved by this social media site and might hurt your account further, you may utilize the new Instagram feature to remove followers and keep your rate in good shape.
Aside from using this feature, you can also buy followers at Famoid to ensure that all your followings are organic, real, and active.
Sharing a post to IG Stories
This Instagram feature has lots of convenience. You can now share your posts and even someone else's post to your IG story. Aside from that, the photo is clickable. Meaning to say, if someone taps it on your story, the user will be directed to the original post. It is an excellent way to send users from your stories to your feed.
To do this, navigate to the posy you want to share. Then tap the airplane icon below the image and select "ADD POST TO YOUR STORY." This opens up your stories cam with the post inserted. You can also edit your stories to add locations, texts, GIFs, and other content that you usually add. After that, simply share the post to your story and all of your followers and can click over the post.
Filtering Direct Messages
If you're receiving lots of direct messages, this feature will come in handy. With just a tap of a button, you can filter your DMs with ease so that you will be able to organize and reply to your messages in an organized manner.
Aside from the above-mentioned, there are other Instagram features that you need to know.