One of the easiest ways to improve your finances is to keep your expenses lower than your income and then look for ways to put the difference to work. If you have a bit of money on the side, the stock market provides an opportunity to put your money to work. You can either put your work in the stock market passively as an investor or actively as a stock trader. I took the active stock trading route, and this Timothy Sykes review is an attempt to share my personal experience learning how to make smart trading decisions through his stock trading training programs.
Timothy Sykes is a renowned figure in the stock trading industry. His claim to fame happened when he turned his $12,415 Bar Mitzvah gift money into more than $200,000 within two years while still high school. His parents had given him the money with an expectation that he will blow it on gadgets as teenagers tend to do, and they were hoping that running out of the money will teach him valuable money lessons. From trading penny stocks, he multiplied the money to more than $2M by the time he was a Freshman in college. As of today, his career trading profit is north of $5M.
Timothy Sykes strongly believes that if he could achieve success in the stock market, anybody can succeed with the right kind of education and guidance.
Why am I writing this Timothy Sykes review?
The internet has decentralized the flow of information, anybody could write and publish anything, and sometimes, it is hard to trust what you read online. Reviews have become marketing tools and it is sometimes hard to differentiate between honest reviews and marketing material. I wrote this Timothy Sykes review because I observed that Tim has a polarizing personality - you'll either love him or hate him - I feel more of his students need to speak out about their experiences with him.
Tim lives a lavish lifestyle and he doesn't mind sharing it on his Instagram feed. You can see him showing off his posh mansions, traveling to exotic locations, driving expensive cars, and even displaying wads of cash. I think Tim subconsciously misses not blowing his Bar Mitzvah money and now that he is a multimillionaire, he doesn't hold back from enjoying the good things of life. Interestingly, he also revealed that the lavish lifestyle is an intentional move to inspire new traders that success is possible if you are willing to work hard.
Unfortunately, the people that don't like his style are usually very vocal in their disdain and they sometimes even go as far as insinuating that he is a scam. Many new traders who could have benefited from the education that he provides could become discouraged by the unfounded smear campaign. In this review, I'll share my thoughts based on my personal experience with his training in the hopes that it helps you to make an informed decision.
Timothy Sykes Stock trading training
Timothy Sykes offers his stock trading education on a triple-tiered system namely, Tim's Alerts, PennyStocking Silver and Tim's Challenge. The three levels are designed for traders at different points in their trading journey while also being indicative of the kind of commitment you intend to make towards becoming a successful trader.
Tim's Alerts
Tim's Alerts provides you access to the Chatroom where you can experience the sense of community that social trading provides. You can follow the conversation of experienced traders and ask questions about your trades. Tim' Alerts also provides you with a watchlist of 5-10 stocks every day as a guide to stocks that you may want to add to your portfolio. You'll also get real-time ProfiDing Trade Alerts, which can be very valuable in helping you decide when to enter and exit trades. In my experience though, the market is always moving, and the Trade Alerts are most beneficial if you respond to them almost immediately. Tim's Alerts cost $74.95 per month but you can unlock a 24% discount through the annual plan.
Pennystocking Silver
Pennystocking Silver provides you with access to all the features in Tim's Alerts, but it is a much better deal because of its premium features. Tim's Alert mostly gives you information about the events in the market, but PennyStocking Silver teaches you how to analyse those events to make educated trading decisions.
With PennyStocking Silver, you'll get access to a video lesson Library with more than 6000 videos. Going through the video library equips you with knowledge on how experienced traders have navigated different seasons of the stock market in the past. In my experience, the video library helped me to get a deeper understanding of technical analysis, stock fundamentals, trading psychology, and to identify market trends. It's highly unlikely that you'll find any other training program with such comprehensive resources to guide you on your path to becoming a successful trader. PennyStocking Silver costs $149.95 per month but you can get a 28% discount by opting for the annual plan.
Tim's Millionaire Challenge
Tim's Challenge, also called Millionaire Challenge is the real deal if you want to get the very best stock trading education that Tim has to offer. I started with the monthly plan of Tim's Alert and the access to the chatroom showed me that Tim has built a vibrant community of insightful traders as opposed to the errorless belief that penny stocks are meant for speculative gamblers. After the first month, I upgraded to PennyStocking silver and I got deeper insights into how to trade penny stocks profitably. However, I noticed that Tim himself was not always available even though his other students do an incredibly great job of being helpful.
By the third month, I decided to apply for Tim's Challenge and I'm glad that I did. If you want to shorten your learning curve to becoming a profitable stock trader, I'll suggest signing up for the monthly PennyStocking Silver program to test the water. Once you are sure that there's value in the education that Tim provides, I'll encourage you not to waste time to apply for Tim's Challenge - hopefully, you'll scale through the application and get in.
Tim offers a more immersive learning experience, complete with the opportunities for one-to-one mentoring sessions. Apart from access to all of Tim's educational content, you get to access past webinars and get to attend new webinars where you can ask Tim questions about his trades and the general market. You'll also be added to the exclusive Millionaire Challenge chatroom where you get to interact with Tim himself, his top students, and moderators. Each trading day also provides you the opportunity to receive live plays or join live calls about the trading actions of Tim and his other successful students.
Timothy Sykes Review: Final Verdict
Tim strongly believes that anyone can achieve success in the stock market if they are committed to putting in the hard work required to succeed. Tim has created a credible system that can take you from the fundamentals of trading to complex concepts such as Fibonacci retracements in an engaging manner that equips you with knowledge.
Is Tim the real deal? Yes! Timothy Sykes is real, he provides valuable education, and he has a long list of students to show that his method works. Irrespective of what detractors think about his lifestyle, I think the man has earned the right to spend his money any way he deems fit. If you are looking for a get rich scheme that will give you tips on stocks to buy and sell, Timothy Sykes training program won't work for you. If you want to learn how to read the market and make educated trading decisions, you'll be right at home among thousands of other students on the journey to become successful stock traders.