iOS 7 Water Proof Ad : Psychologist Reveal How People Fell For This Fake.

iOS 7 serves as the latest hope for Apple Inc. to get in the business world again, and compete among other mobile App such as Google Android Aps.

However recently, a fake ad was released in the social networking sites with regards to iOS 7 saying that its water proof. The said ad says that an automatic circuit will shut down in case that your iOS 7 smart phone will fell in wet areas, to avoid short circuit problem that may destroy your phone.

Although Apple Inc. confirmed that they are not the one who released the said report, but still many fell for the said trick, up until now. "We do not want this ad to fool our consumers, as we wanted a transparent details for our products, so the ad is not true", Apple Chief Officer Tim Cook stated.

Despite the fact that Apple already cleared the issue but still, many hope that it was true, hence ended up believing that the ad is true.

Psychologist Nancy Hall said that, with the growing incident of mobile phone break down due to exposure to wetness make people scare, hence majority fell with the recent add. "Everybody wants to become in the trend, so whenever Apple announces for a new iOS, everybody wants it because it enhances their confident as a holder of the latest iPhone despite of the fact that it's really expensive, so the owner will definitely take good care of it ", Hall said.

She added that people's mind are still enjoying the climax of iOS 7, hence majority welcome new information, especially if it's helpful. Hall pointed out that psychologically speaking, chances of people to fell for the fake add is totally high as the mind is currently having a hard time processing the details of iOS 7 release, especially that it was just last week, hence cognition embraces more positive iOS 7 information with the absence of consciousness.

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