Finding a job has never been an easy task. Unless you know someone willing to bring you on board, it can take weeks, if not, months to even land an interview. When you add to this the fact that there's a national pandemic going on, the struggle is increased. Due to the coronavirus, many non-essential businesses have been forced to lay off staff, transition to online platforms and remote teams, or temporarily close their doors leaving the job market in disarray.
The Added Challenges of Job Searches
With so many businesses closed and/or struggling financially, hiring has become low on the list of priorities. Not to mention the competition is stiff as there are millions of people across the country that have found themselves unemployed during the pandemic. All of this can weigh heavily on you emotionally. This is especially true if you don't have a job presently.
Keeping Your Emotions Under Control
Your bills are piling up, the stimulus check barely scratched the surface, unemployment benefits are taking forever to come through, and to top it all off, you likely have others who rely on your income for their basic needs. Though you're likely feeling stressed to the max and even helpless at times, it's important to keep your emotions under control.
Failure to do so could result in your emotional health (and consequently your physical health) going downhill. Before you know it you're isolating yourself more, not taking care of yourself properly, and relying on unhealthy habits like drugs, alcohol, gambling, or food to keep you afloat. If you've already reached this point, there's help available. Treatment centers like Nexus Recovery in LA are open for business and waiting to help. They also have telehealth treatment options available.
Ways to Handle the Stress
So, how do you keep it together while trying to find a job in a down economy? Though it may seem impossible, here are some solutions to make things easier.
Get Financial Assistance - One of the biggest stressors you are likely dealing with right now is not having enough money to afford the things you need. You can reduce this stress by getting financial assistance. There are unemployment benefits available along with government-funded programs to help with rent, utilities, groceries, and healthcare.
Rearrange Your Finances - You're going to have to work with what you have until you find a job. Ease the financial stress you're experiencing by rearranging your finances. Eliminate anything from your budget that isn't a necessity, review your emergency savings account to see how much you have to live on, and contact service providers about reducing or pausing payments.
Work on Building Professional Skills - With stiff competition on the job market, you have to find ways to make yourself stand out from the crowd. An effective way of doing this is working on your professional skills. Perhaps there are some free or affordable classes you can take to enhance your experience and understanding in areas related to a position you're trying to apply for. Employers love to see applicants that invest in themselves, and this could be the thing to get your foot in the door. Not to mention, focusing on your professional development gives you something positive to focus on while you wait to hear back about applications.
Take Breaks and Ease Stress - If your routine consists of filling out job applications from the time you get up until the time you go to bed, you're going to stress yourself out quickly. Make sure that you're taking regular breaks throughout the day to focus on other things. You should also consider taking a day or two off throughout the week. During your breaks, find ways to reduce your stress. Read a book, pick up a hobby, take music lessons, dance, decorate an area in your home, or catch up with friends and family.
The recent coronavirus pandemic has most certainly changed the landscape of the job market. While finding a job in a down economy may present an added layer of challenges, allowing it to get the best of you emotionally can have grave consequences. Therefore, use the above-referenced tips to reduce the stress and weather the storm until you find gainful employment.