Have you ever been in a car accident? One moment you're driving along, hoping to get to work on time, or taking the kids to school and then the next you're being shunted across the road and spinning out of control.
When you've been involved in a car accident that wasn't your fault, it's easy to feel completely overwhelmed. What do you do? Are you hurt? Is the other driver going to be aggressive towards you? When you're in shock, confused and potentially injured, it can be difficult to know how to react.
At this stage, it's important to remember that the actions you take in the immediate aftermath of a crash (no matter how minor) could influence the rest of your life. From a successful personal injury claim - click the link if you're looking for an attorney for personal injury - to potential jail time and even recovering from your injuries quicker. It's just as important to know what you should avoid doing after a car accident.
So, with this in mind here we'll look at what NOT to do if you've been in a car accident.
Drive away
If you drive away from the scene of a crash, then you're committing an offence. Even if it only seems minor and no one is injured, you must stop. You should assess the situation, call the emergency services and speak with the other driver to exchange details.
Fail to speak with the police
As mentioned above, calling the emergency services is imperative after a crash. Even if no one appears injured, reaching out to the police means that a police report will be created and filed by the officer who attends the scene. This police report will help establish who is at fault for the accident if you decide to file a personal injury claim.
Forget to gather evidence
Don't worry you don't need a white overall suit and need to dust for fingerprints. Gathering evidence at the scene of a crash, means you're gathering information that alludes to the fact you weren't at fault. Failing to do so means you're less likely to be able to prove you weren't at fault. Always take photos, videos, speak with witnesses and get their details, speak with the other party and take photos of the damage and positioning of both vehicles.
Lose your temper
Someone who was distracted or was driving dangerously has totalled your car, left you with injuries and potentially put your children and family at risk. Of course, you're going to be distressed and angry. Even if the accident was their fault, it's important to remain calm so you can gather all the information you need.
Finally... admitting fault
Never admit fault after an accident. Don't apologise. Don't feel pressure from the other driver to confess to something you didn't cause. Remain calm.