Depending on what state you live in, the laws vary regarding who is at fault when an individual wrecks their personal vehicle. Typically if you cause an accident in your personal vehicle, then you are liable for the damages that you've caused to your own property and to the other party. Or, if someone has hurt or injured you, then they would be responsible for your damages.
But if you are driving a vehicle as part of work-related responsibilities at the time of the accident, then your employer may be liable. But, you may also be liable for the accident as well under different circumstances. It depends on the specific circumstances.
There are certain cases in which your employer has vicarious liability for your car accident. those situations include:
If your driving allowed you to complete a task that your employer benefited from
You were driving to complete a work-related responsibility
You were driving in order to complete a task given to you by your employer
You were on the clock with the accident occurred
However, your employer is not liable when you are driving to and from work or are running a personal errand during the workday.
Car Accident Statistics
According to the Association for Safe International Travel,1.35 million people die in car crashes around the world every year, with an average of 3,700 fatalities a day. People who make a living by being on the road are at a higher risk of being involved in an accident. Vocations at most risk include:
Cab drivers
Delivery workers
Truck drivers
School bus drivers
Tow truck drivers
Courier drivers
Construction drivers (fuel trucks, bulldozers)
What are some of the common causes of road accidents?
The majority of car accidents are preventable, and drivers are urged to heed warnings to reduce the risk of fatally harming themselves or others on the road. Nobody can change the weather or prevent animals or debris from entering the road. That is to say, nobody can fully eliminate risk while driving, they can only reduce it as much as possible. The following types of crashes are not only preventable but the most common ones that lead to severe injuries:
Unsafe driving behavior: doing anything behind the wheel that is sure to cause the driver to get distracted and lose control of the vehicle.
Vehicles that are not worthy of being on the road: any items that shouldn't be on the road for a variety of reasons should remain off of the road. Differing speeds can cause accidents when some vehicles are not meant to be on roads.
Poor road infrastructure or management of roads: Excessive potholes or need for repairs can cause threatening road conditions for motorists.
Not enforcing traffic laws: not every drunk driver gets pulled over and not everyone that runs a red light gets a ticket. When some behaviors are not stopped they continue.
Why You Need A Personal Injury Attorney
No matter who is at fault and whether or not you were driving a vehicle that was owned by you or a company, after a car accident you should speak with a personal injury attorney who can advise you of your rights. A personal injury attorney can also represent you so you can receive the compensation you deserve for your damages. Lastly, a personal injury attorney can also protect you from any liability from the accident. Click to learn more here about personal injury law.