Life On Mars? Possible Due to Abundant Water Existence : New Research "Curiosity Rover" Suggested.

Harry Smith, 12 year old is a Star War fanatic who dreams of going to Mars someday, "that red planet with weird creatures? It's cool", he said. Majority of the sci-fi books may be an influence of the idea that neighboring creatures possibly exist in Mars.

Recent study reveals that life on Mars is now possible due to the presence of water. The said study was referred as "Curiosity Rover" that tackles about the existence of water under the so called "Rocknest", a sandy grain that actually contains water on the inside.

The scientific world states that based on their study, Rocknest actually contains almost two percent of water.

According to Laurie Leshin, a planetary geologist from Polytechnic Institute and one of the author of Science analyzing facts today says that, if you're an astronaut who happens to get walk on Mars, you will surely experience the amazing two cubic foot water body material inside the Rocknest.

The idea about Mars having liquids is actually not new to the scientific world. Years ago, scientist have found out that indeed, body of water in the form of crystalline ice exist in Mars, but they say that it takes further research to confirm if this "body of water" can sustain the human needs.

They added that water is not the only factor to be consider, but also other forms of chemical existence such as sulfuric gases which is not recommendable for human's survival.

In addition, the presence of chemical sample was listed in Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM), such as deuterium, a heavy hydrogen compound that is not suited for mankind. "Despite of the fact that water is everywhere on Mars, and many would tend to think that we could exist there, still that dream needs to be supported by facts", Leshin says.

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