Reaching Out With Recruiters Through LinkedIn Will Get You Ahead of Your Application, Expert Says

LinkedIn Reachout
(Photo : Unsplash/Humphrey Muleba)

When applying for a job, it may seem like the main steps only include aligning your resume with the job description, explaining your interest in the cover letter, having others review both, and submitting all your materials.

However, there's a crucial step that many people overlook after applying, and that involves following up the application with a message on LinkedIn and a personalized email to the company's hiring manager and even its CEO, according to Nolan Church, former Google and DoorDash recruiter, and current CEO of Continuum.

READ ALSO: How to Use LinkedIn for Recruiting and Lead Generation

How to Find a Recruiter on LinkedIn

LinkedIn has nearly 1 million recruiters and headhunters, giving you an excellent chance to locate and reach out to them. Here is how you can find Headhunter on LinkedIn:

External Headhunter

Generally, if you're not targeting a particular company, you're likely seeking an external headhunter specializing in specific industries or candidate locations. In this case, the LinkedIn search bar becomes essential. Type "recruiter" in the search bar and experiment with various keywords and categories to narrow your search.

Internal Headhunter

If you want a job in a particular company, your best option is the internal recruiter, who typically has a precise idea of the candidates they seek. To find an internal headhunter, visit the company's LinkedIn profile, check the complete employee list, and look for individuals with roles like recruiter, headhunter, talent scout, etc.

You are Doing Them A Favor

According to Taylor, contacting a recruiter on LinkedIn is an effective way to stand out. Recruiters are finding candidates for various roles and sifting through numerous resumes; reaching out directly on LinkedIn puts your name now in front of them and makes their job easier.

Optimizing Your Profile

Enhance your LinkedIn profile by adding a professional profile picture and a banner, crafting a compelling headline and LinkedIn summary, filling out all sections for work experience and education, and including your skills and accomplishments.

Utilize LinkedIn's Features

LinkedIn is an extension of your resume, allowing you to link web pages or documents to enhance your profile. Activate the "open to work" feature or utilize the recommendation feature by asking colleagues or supervisors to write recommendations for you to increase visibility in recruiter searches.

Connect or Send a LinkedIn InMail

InMail is a premium LinkedIn feature that enables you to message someone not in your network directly. Therefore, sending InMail to recruiters on LinkedIn is highly recommended. Another option is sending a personalized connection request, but it has character limits and is restricted to your network's 2nd- and 3rd-degree connections.

Write a Killer Subject Line

When creating a subject line for a LinkedIn message, focus on conveying the purpose of the InMail because your name is already visible to the recipient.

Write a Tailored Message

When contacting a recruiter, customize your message by including something personal. Find commonalities like living in the same city, having a mutual connection, or attending the same university. Use a sentence or two to grab their attention and proceed to the main point.

Attach Your Resume

LinkedIn typically has all the necessary information already, but having a resume copy is useful because recruiters prefer a more professional approach than just sharing a LinkedIn profile. If you wonder how to attach a resume to a LinkedIn message, click the "attach a file" button in the message window.

How to Follow up with a Recruiter on LinkedIn

Follow-up messages have become more crucial in evaluating candidates, especially since the onset of the COVID-19 crisis, based on a recent TopResume survey.

What Time Should Send a Follow-up Message?

When sending the first follow-up message, don't wait too long. Ensure you reach out within 24 to 48 hours after the interview.

How Many Times is Okay to Follow-up?

The initial follow-up should be a thank-you message. The second one should be sent a day or two after the expected response time, expressing continued interest. Only follow up a third time if the recruiters prompt, perhaps if they're extending the process and require more time.

They Will Forward Your Message Along

If it's challenging to determine which recruiter is in charge of hiring for the position you applied to, Simon Taylor suggests contacting three or four recruiters. Since individuals usually handle different departments, if someone receives an outreach from a qualified candidate but isn't responsible for hiring for that role, they'll forward it to the right hiring manager. If these contacts don't respond, you may not be the right fit.

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