Arizona- Last Tuesday, the Cochise Country Planning Commission voted in favor of Medical Marijuana Farm. Three out of 5 voted for the operational cultivation of marijuana by Medical Marijuana Farm, "we are happy that they understood our goal to cultivate marijuana farm", John Smith says, farmer.
The said farmers are given the chance to grow marijuana at Willcox greenhouse. The eight acre greenhouse structure was established in 1990, which raise crops and other vegetables such as tomatoes.
However, Medical Marijuana Farm, along with their partner Westwedge LLC would like to have an 85,000 square feet land in order to grow a quality medical marijuana plants.
"We will entertain their appeal only if they will file it to the higher court", Cochise County officials stated. They added that the appeal must be file within a week, or else they will dismiss it.
The County Board of Supervisors are the one who will make a decision with regards to the 85,000 acre land appeal, "we understand them, and the only way to make things right is to discuss them on court", Atty. Nancy Smith stated.
As of the moment, the Medical Marijuana Farm Group did not release any statement with regards to the issue, "we are still discussing on how legal steps will work on our side, so still we are figuring it out on how to do it, as we cannot afford to lose this battle", Harry Ford, one of the farmer stated.
He added that marijuana growers do not intend to produce drugs that can be abuse by anybody, but they want to create treatments for those who can't afford to have an access with medical care expenses.
Approval for the legalization of marijuana is still quite slow; especially that Obama administration clearly defined their stand, which is not in favor for the legalization. Hence many are still waiting for improvements with regards to legalization matter.