Star Wars: Harvard & MIT Discover How To Make Lightsabers By Binding Photons Into Solid Mass [VIDEO]

Researchers at Harvard University and the MIT have recently discovered a way to create a form of matter by making photons to bind together into a "solid mass."

What does this mean?

In layman's terms, these scientists have discovered how to make light solid enough to touch.

Researchers have explained the technology as being comparable to lightsabers.

 "When these photons interact with each other, they're pushing against and deflect each other. The physics of what's happening in these molecules is similar to what we see in the movies," Says Harvard Physics Professor Mikhail Lurkin.

Normally, photons (elementary particles of light) are massless and can pass through each other. But the team of researchers fired some photons into a vacuum chamber along with a cloud of cold rubidium atoms, and the photons began to gather as "photonic molecules." The new form of matter bears a striking resemblance then, to the swordlike weapon in the Star Wars series.

However, the researchers do not intend to weaponize this new technology, or capitalize on the many desperate dreams of Star Wars fans to acquire their own lightsabers.

The researchers had developed the technology for advancements in quantum computing, as photons are still deemed the best way to deliver quantum information. The downside to photons, however, had been that they were aloof, and did not interact with each other. That is, until now.

Lukin says in his statement that this "Photonic Molecule" technology could inevitably lead to technologies that would see to the creation of 3d structures. He cites crystals made out of light as one of the examples.

The researcher have however remained mum on how their newly discovered photon bond could also make possible several elements of fictional universes real-not just with Star Wars, but also with TRON.

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