Finding Common Ground: Here’s How Successful People Get Ahead at Work

Consistent research findings reveal that fostering meaningful connections with coworkers is a unique strategy to enhance happiness, mitigate burnout, and bolster career success. Being well-regarded among colleagues has also been linked to various career milestones, including negotiating salary increases and securing promotions.

According to Juliette Han, a neuroscientist trained at Harvard and an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School, earning the respect of colleagues or forming work friendships is not exclusive to high performers. Han, who also serves as an academic advisor at Harvard Medical School, asserts that improving likability in the workplace is a skill that anyone can develop relatively swiftly.

Finding Common Ground

Han suggests that highly successful individuals utilize a cheat code to forge stronger connections with their colleagues: finding common ground. However, Han clarifies that this does not necessarily entail adopting the same hobbies or interests as your boss or coworkers to advance your career unless you genuinely desire to do so. Instead, she advises seeking subtle opportunities to align yourself with your colleagues in conversation.

Expressing gratitude, offering compliments, and seeking advice on work-related matters are all simple yet effective methods to establish rapport with others.

For instance, when a colleague expresses gratitude for your assistance, you might respond by saying:

"No problem, I know you would do the same for me."

According to Han, demonstrating your care for others and reinforcing the idea of teamwork are among the simplest ways to make individuals feel appreciated and inclined to offer support in the workplace.

To leave a favorable impression on your manager, it is beneficial to solicit their viewpoint on a task you are tackling or a challenge you are facing. Here are two questions you can utilize to initiate a constructive dialogue with your manager:

"You've demonstrated adept handling of similar situations in the past. What approach would you recommend for this particular scenario?"

"I'm eager to gain a deeper understanding of how this project aligns with our team's overarching goals. What is your perspective on this matter?"

Han says these questions show trust in your boss's expertise, and you want to make them look good.

If you find yourself assigned to a project with your manager, it is worth considering approaching them with the following line:

"I'm excited about collaborating on this project. How can I offer you the most effective support?"

Establish a Clear, Open Dialogue

Han explains that it is crucial to maintain a clear, open dialogue with your colleagues to demonstrate that you value and respect their preferences. Unfortunately, many individuals neglect this practice, even though it enhances collaboration and minimizes conflict.

It is always beneficial to offer someone a compliment. According to Han, recognizing someone's excellent presentation, strong work ethic, or mastery of a skill can have a significant impact.

One of the most prevalent reasons certain high performers fail to reach the pinnacle of their careers is their belief that sheer hard work and unwavering focus solely on their tasks will suffice for advancement. However, Han advised that success necessitates collaborating effectively with others.
